Blog Posts
Scroll down to check out my blog post archive.
Fake Meat’s Latest and Greatest
I found Air Protein online after hearing “fake” meat — specifically air-grown meat — was highlighted at the Wall Street Journal’s Global Food Forum, and I think it’s a total scam.
Good Teachers Don’t Push Agendas
A teacher told a student that he was a bad person for raising cows…
The Punchy Bunch
“The Punchy Bunch” is a poem written about some boys who are just too punchy for their own good — and don’t understand that the word “punchy” is not meant as a compliment.
My Most Recent Anti-Ag Experience
I can’t write an excerpt/teaser blurb about this blog post because I keep getting too long-winded. Click the link to see my latest interaction with an anti-ag, screenshots and all.
Got (Real) Milk?
Today, a friend sent me a screenshot of a Facebook post which read “Hello, does anyone know where I [can] purchase real cow’s milk? Not store milk, but from a real actual cow.”
At first, I thought *maybe* the Original Poster meant that they just wanted to purchase their dairy products farm to table. But as my friend confirmed, they did not — Original Poster genuinely thought milk purchased in a store was “fake” milk.
“Dairy Free” Not So Much of a Choice for Me
A few years ago I went vegan for the season of Lent as an experiment and, in turn, found out something totally unexpected.
The Best Teacher I've Ever Had
When it comes to my column/blog and agriculture, I don’t often write about my mom. I think it’s because I don’t have as many photos of her on a horse as I do my dad but let’s be honest here… nothing I have ever done in my entire life would’ve been possible if it weren’t for her. So, here’s what you need to know about my mom, Kristi Jane Purviance, or “Mrs. P” as most of her former students call her on Teachers' Day.
Corporate Cultivators: Makenzie Raesner, HEB
Makenzie Raesner is spotlighted in the Corporate Cultivators series, a series dedicated to showcasing agriculturists of all kinds outside of the typical farmer/rancher stereotype we often see portrayed in the media. Raesner is an Own Brand manager at HEB, a Texas grocery store chain, and plays a vital role in making food go from the farm to your table.
Introducing: Corporate Cultivators
Introducing “Corporate Cultivators,” a new series dedicated to showcasing agriculturists of all kinds outside of the typical farmer/rancher stereotype we often see portrayed in the media. It takes more than just a sodbuster or a cow-puncher to get food from our gate to your plate, this week’s blog post details some of those key players in the ag industry who often go unnoticed!
The Case of Elwood's Organic Dog Meat
Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat is a social media brand and website used to sway meat-eaters to the vegan diet which advertises organic dog meat as a livestock producer would. It’s clever, I must admit, but totally sick. In this blog post, I try to combat resources such as Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat with well thought out, educational, fact-backed arguments.
The Producer Partnership aka a Light in the Darkness
I believe the Producer Partnership, my full time employer, is something great in a world focused on bad right now — and I want to tell y’all all about it.
7 Years Later: How my high school experience with FFA still comes into play.
Seven years ago, I wore my blue and gold corduroy jacket for the last time. When I think of my time as an FFA member, like many people, I get nostalgic. The stories I could tell from that period of my life are sweet, some funny, and almost all too ag-nerdy for most people to want to listen to. So, in leu of sharing those memories, I’d like to share with y’all how my investment in being an FFA member is currently paying off for me in honor of National FFA Week.
Beyond the Beef: A look into “fake meat” alternative proteins.
A few years ago, "fake meat' vs. traditional meat was pretty much all anyone in agriculture talked about. It was a huge issue for me and many other agvocates out there.
Two weeks ago, while on my honeymoon, I overheard a person look at their dinner guest and say, "what’s the point of the Beyond Burger anyway? It’s basically a real burger.” Which made me realize just how big of an issue some things can be for some people and how it's a non-issue for others.
Today, I give my cliff notes and key points on the biggest differences between alternative proteins and traditional animal protein.
The Low Down on the Markets, and How it Affects You
Last week, the White House announced the Biden-Harris Administration’s Action Plan for “Fairer, More Competitive, and More Resilient Meat and Poultry Supply Chain.” In this week’s blog post, I do my best to educate you on what exactly this means for everyone from the barn cat to the consumer.
2022 Anti-Ag Trend Predictions
The past two years, I’ve published columns right around the new year with my predictions for the anti-ag agenda in the upcoming year. Following suit, today, I will give my 2022 trend predictions for what I believe the anti-ags will attack agriculture with.
Mental Health in Agriculture
The hands that feed you need a helping hand themselves every now and then; and it’s our responsibility to reach out our hand and pull them out of whatever pit they’re stuck in.
I May Have to Start Watching Yellowstone
“You ever plow a field? To plant quinoa or sorghum or whatever the ‘heck’ it is you eat? You kill everything on the ground and under it. You kill every snake, every frog, every mouse, mole, vole, worm, quail…you kill them all. So I guess the only real question is: how cute does an animal have to be before you care if it dies to feed you?”
— John Dutton, Yellowstone
In summary: Yellowstone did a better job of communicating agriculture than I ever have.
Get “Stuff” Done This Holiday Season
My dad hammered the phrase “actions speak louder than words” into my brain when I was in high school. At the time, I brushed it off, but as I’m getting older, I understand it more. The big bad wolf can huff and puff all he wants but until he blows the house down, he’s just blowing smoke.
We as ag industry supporters, professionals, and elected officials need to do a little more acting and a little less speaking. But how?
Is Climate Change Really the Issue?
Vegan activists filled hand sanitizer dispensers outside of restaurants and butcher shops with fake blood so consumers would realize eating meat means they have “blood on their hands.” However, their motives seemed more rooted in climate issues than ethical veganism, begging the question: is climate change really the issue?
Education is Key; Reaction is Our Demise
In the past, I’ve talked quite a bit about the nasty comments and messages I and many other agriculturists have received from anti-ags. However, today I would like to shift gears and talk about the aggressive and completely unnecessary comments I’ve seen from agriculturists and how we can incorporate graceful education in our responses.
Anti-Ags are Mocking Sexual Violence Victims
It's taboo, it's hard to hear, it's something you don't want to have to explain to your kids — but it's what anti-ags are saying about the dairy industry. In this weeks blog post, I talk about anti-ags claiming farmers and ranchers sexually assault their livestock by breeding them to other animals, artificial insemination, and even helping an animal give birth.
Effectively Communicating Agriculture: How to Talk to Anti-Ags.
This past weekend, I traveled to Bozeman, Montana, to the Montana Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer & Rancher Conference. I’ll be presented a workshop with a lecture titled “Effectively Communicating Agriculture: How to Talk to Anti-Ags.” This blog is a written version of my workshop.