Blog Posts
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Beyond ‘Meats’, How Do You Plead?
Like any southern woman, I do enjoy hearing about a good scandal; and like any advocate, I really really REALLY love when Beyond Meat® screws up. In this blog post, I talk about those two things.
Good Teachers Don’t Push Agendas
A teacher told a student that he was a bad person for raising cows…
The Punchy Bunch
“The Punchy Bunch” is a poem written about some boys who are just too punchy for their own good — and don’t understand that the word “punchy” is not meant as a compliment.
“Dairy Free” Not So Much of a Choice for Me
A few years ago I went vegan for the season of Lent as an experiment and, in turn, found out something totally unexpected.
The Best Teacher I've Ever Had
When it comes to my column/blog and agriculture, I don’t often write about my mom. I think it’s because I don’t have as many photos of her on a horse as I do my dad but let’s be honest here… nothing I have ever done in my entire life would’ve been possible if it weren’t for her. So, here’s what you need to know about my mom, Kristi Jane Purviance, or “Mrs. P” as most of her former students call her on Teachers' Day.
Corporate Cultivators: Makenzie Raesner, HEB
Makenzie Raesner is spotlighted in the Corporate Cultivators series, a series dedicated to showcasing agriculturists of all kinds outside of the typical farmer/rancher stereotype we often see portrayed in the media. Raesner is an Own Brand manager at HEB, a Texas grocery store chain, and plays a vital role in making food go from the farm to your table.
Introducing: Corporate Cultivators
Introducing “Corporate Cultivators,” a new series dedicated to showcasing agriculturists of all kinds outside of the typical farmer/rancher stereotype we often see portrayed in the media. It takes more than just a sodbuster or a cow-puncher to get food from our gate to your plate, this week’s blog post details some of those key players in the ag industry who often go unnoticed!
My Lemongrass-Fed Beef with Burger King
Since 1954, Burger King (BK) has been one of the big players in the fast food game. With a name like “Burger King,” you’d expect the company to not only have a killer burger but support the industry who supplies them with burger: the beef industry. However, in recent years, it’s almost as if BK has no regard for the American rancher in the slightest.