Blog Posts
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The Case of Elwood's Organic Dog Meat
Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat is a social media brand and website used to sway meat-eaters to the vegan diet which advertises organic dog meat as a livestock producer would. It’s clever, I must admit, but totally sick. In this blog post, I try to combat resources such as Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat with well thought out, educational, fact-backed arguments.
Transparency Tic-Tac-Toe
We’ve been told transparency is incredibly important to consumers, and specifically vegan and on-the-fence consumers. But is transparency really as coveted as we’ve been taught? By the looks of an anti-ag Facebook group I’m in (and by viewing the comments made on Commissioner Quarrels’ Facebook post), transparency regarding what is and isn’t lab grown meat may not be so desirable.
My Lemongrass-Fed Beef with Burger King
Since 1954, Burger King (BK) has been one of the big players in the fast food game. With a name like “Burger King,” you’d expect the company to not only have a killer burger but support the industry who supplies them with burger: the beef industry. However, in recent years, it’s almost as if BK has no regard for the American rancher in the slightest.